self signed SSL certificate 1 liner (using openSSL)
There are many ways to generate self signed certificate, but this one is the easiest…
There are many ways to generate self signed certificate, but this one is the easiest…
I understand, English is de-facto language of the web, and clients rarely need multilingual web apps, but not including gettext in the stock php installed on mac is just silly.
I just wasted fair amount of time configuring memcached on my mac development machine. It should have been easy, but it was not. So I’m going to document my steps which led me to a working configuration. Some of these steps might be unnecessary.
I love photoshop. But even with actions, modifying 1000 images can be intensive with that behemoth of an application.
Have you tried imagemagick on command line? It is fun! Well for me…
I rarely have to use mac OSX Vim for file editing, I usually ssh into remote machines which run ubuntu server or CentOS and there I’ve vim configured for syntax highlighting and other goodies.
But few times that I use Vim on mac, it makes my head hurt, no syntax highlighting by default? really?
I was itching to do upgrade on my development machine since Mavericks came out, but I had a big project in the pipeline and I couldn’t afford downtime – shiny new OS .0, not the latest hardware, allot of work and stringent deadlines are risky combination for early adoption.
Now 9.1 Version is out, and my work schedule is less demanding, so I’ve decided to do the deed. So this blog post describes my experience and issues I’ve encountered in the process.
Not all of us do mail server configuration everyday, so it is easy to get lost on unfamiliar grounds.
Fortunately, there is fantastic (up to date / unofficial) postfix documentation, it is the best I’ve seen on the net, this guide explains how to get following oiled and running:
Ubuntu + Postfix + Courier IMAP + MySQL + Amavisd-new + SpamAssassin + ClamAV + SASL + TLS + Roundcube + Postgrey. (Besides roundcube I think everything is essential).
I followed this guide to the word, but got myself into trouble on several occasions. Internet research didn’t yield any results, so I had to solve problems myself.
What do you do when installing PostFix and turning your VPS or atom based home server into a full blown mail server is an overkill? What if you really really need it to send mail?
I have the VPS that hosts several wordpress blogs. Without mail server configured wp couldn’t send “lost password” or “new comment” emails. To fix this I decided to install ssmtp package (which simply authenticates to 3rd party smtp server, gmail in this case, to deliver mail).